is a
straightforward, basic site suitable for a singular use. Information is well
laid out in what appears to be a standard Bootstrap-style grid system. It
could, however, be improved by being broken up, as the 'wall of text' style
on the front page is not initially engaging to a reader; key points
summarised, perhaps, with header drop-down links to more in-depth
Throughout the site, the language is thoughtful and engaging, giving a depth
to the subject matter with a continuous style. Lexical choices implying the
impact of not using short-term car insurance ("Big Brother is watching", "We
live in a surveillance society", "Beware the Motor Insurance Database!"),
while perhaps invoking a thematic style more akin to a dystopian nightmare
than short-term car insurance, are definitely convincing for an on-the-fence
Information regarding short-term car insurance is varied and in-depth. A
first-time user of the system is given a breadth of knowledge that
solidifies the importance of the product, covering every potential user base
and situation imaginable.
The CSS of the website is based on stock colours, images and font, which is
the primary downfall of the site as it gives it an outdated and budget look.
The first image seen by a visitor is a 3D model of a car common in style a
decade ago, backgrounds and layouts change throughout the site, some pages
(notably the 'Contact us!' section) appear to be taken from completely
separate sites. Conceptually, the styling of the brand is also confused: the
company's logo is used once at the very top of the page, and isn't
incorporated any further. A custom colour scheme based on this logo would
improve the overall concept, and convince a potential customer of the
legitimacy of the company.
Beyond these styling issues, does a substantial
job in promoting and explaining the area of short-term car insurance and, as
a whole, is more than adequate for the purpose. Clear and simple, the
website provides excellent navigation throughout its impressive store of
content while maintaing a convincing tone that is singular in its
conviction towards increasing future custom. |